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What Are Business Analyst Best Practices?

Since the last few years, organizations have started feeling the important role of a business analysts in their operations. Their demand has tremendously increased and so are their responsibilities. Also, since the process of digitalization, the scenario has completely changed. And this can be an overwhelming career now. But if you are a business analyst, following these practices will surely going to help you. Let’s discuss in detail.

Role of a business analyst

In short, a business analyst is required to do all the preparatory measures before starting the actual business operations. Also, he is responsible for examining methodically and in detail the effect of the external factors on the business working and devising the most suitable action plan in order to survive the market.

Business analyst best practices

If you are a business analyst already working, or you are planning to start your career in this field, this guide is surely a golden key for you. Let’s look at some best practices of a business analyst.

Communication skills

Communication skills are a must for the success of a business analyst. A business analyst is expected to manage the overall working of the different departments in a business. And the overall success of a business directly depends on the excellent coordination between the departments to keep all the working synchronized. This is only possible with the best and effective communication skills. As a business analyst your communication can be in different forms. It can be over a call, on an email, in writing, or face-to-face. It can be with an individual or the whole department. So you need to be prepared for all these possible modes. Great business analysts master the art of communication and know how to communicate their message and its purpose to the other person in the most potent way. One of the most prime among the business analyst best practices.

Get the deep insights

Because a business analyst is overseeing all the operations of a project, he must have deep insights about it too. The project can be an already started one, or a new one. You must know the project history, processes involved, and the end objectives of it. Having this deep understanding will help you to be crystal clear, and play your useful role to make the project a successful one. In short, before you start your work as a business analyst for any organization or company, try to have the clarity on the scope of your work.

Know the stakeholders and sponsors

Big business projects have various stakeholders who have their respective interests from the success of the project. Also, the team members who are working on the project also have their own respective roles and they all influence the project in a different yet collaborative way. Hence the project has an interest for different people. A business analyst should list down all the contributing stakeholders, working members, department managers, as well as the financing sponsors. This can be an important information for a business analyst before he devises a plan for the project. And included in the list of business analyst best practices. 

Business analysis plan

Most people are confused between the two. The business analysis plan and the project management plan. Actually there isn’t much difference between the two. In reality the project management plan is a part of the business analysis plan. While you outline the working operations for your project in your project management plan you also set realistic outcomes in your business analysis plan. So, in simple, a business analyst, evaluates the result of the action plan he devised for the project before.

Point out the problems

One of the important functions of a business analyst is also to point out the stumbling blocks coming in the way of success of the project. But this is not the only job of him. He is also required to provide a solution to overcome these stumbling blocks and make the project a success. Also, you should be all ready to accept the rejection of your solution, because some project members aren’t agreed on it. You should be up for putting up more solutions and make the project members to agree on any one of it. Important on the list of business analyst best practices.

Agile approach

Let’s now be specific. We are going to discuss the role of a business analyst particularly in the software development companies. Here the business analysts are shifting from the waterfall method to the agile one. Let’s first have a look on the waterfall method. In this method, a business analyst is involved throughout the whole process from the design conception to the completion of the end product. And he has a role in making a document listing down all the business requirements. He has a prior step wise plan which he follows. He doesn’t move on to the next step if a problem arises in the previous. On the contrary, the most accepted approach is now the agile approach. Where a business analyst does not have a defined role. He gives solution to evolving problems at every stage of the project. An agile business analyst is adaptable, innovative, anticipatory, and goal oriented. To put in simple words, he is all the time ready to make changes in the action plan of the business with respect to the changing scenario.

Managing virtually

With the evolvement of the virtual working, the business analyst should be comfortable managing the team online. He should know the importance of the cheap virtual labor and its role in the success of the project. Particularly at this time the most important in the list of business analyst best practices. 

Constant reviewing

Constant reviewing is very important to keep the project going smooth. The business analyst should play an active role and not merely a passive role by just devising a basic action plan. He should also make sure that the project members are working on the said project plan.

Avoid blaming game

Avoid the blame game. Instead of trying to make someone responsible for a mistake. Try to find a solution to get it fixed. A great business analyst knows how to avoid complications and make the previous mistake a lesson for the future.

Key takeaways

Don’t forget to get feedback on your role in the project. The most useful way is by conducting a simple survey from the stakeholders and the project members. This will help you to get recognized of your valuable role played. Also, be open to the positive criticism as it will help you to improve yourself. All these business analyst best practices will be fruitful for you. This was all for this article. Hopefully you will get useful tips for your successful career in the field of business analysis.

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