HomeNewsWorld NewsIndian media busted for spreading false news about Kashmir

Indian media busted for spreading false news about Kashmir

Media specialists and security professionals criticise Indian media’s efforts to distribute incorrect information and harp on a pessimistic chorus to undermine the region’s chances for peace.

In a recent report, the Indian news outlet CNN News18 made exaggerated assertions about Pakistan’s involvement in the illegally occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir by India (IIOJK). The falsehood of the claims has been established.

Security analyst Zaffar Kamal has also connected the false media reports to the misinformation spread by some adversarial and slanted Indian media outlets.

He believes that the study is a piece of the false Indian state narrative and that the ground realities do not support the extravagant claims made by the military and Indian state leadership.

Media experts noted that in an effort to deflect local and international pressure and cover up the flagrant human rights violations in the IIOJK, the Indian state has recently turned to deceptive strategies including false flag operations and fake news.

Despite being constantly exposed by international organizations and large global organizations like EU Disinfo Lab, the experts claimed that Indian media created a commotion with stories that its military had eliminated cross-border infiltration as a result of various operations.

Analysts in the media claimed that Pakistan, on the other hand, had consistently shown moderation and exhibited a benevolent attitude toward its neighbor.

Additionally, they said that the Indian government’s promises of normalcy and development in IIOJK as the primary benefit of the repeal of Articles 370 & 35A had been severely refuted in all forums.

The experts noted that the Indian government was determined to silence Kashmiri journalists’ voices by employing violence (in the form of draconian legislation) and intimidation in order to hide the truth and promote false narratives against Pakistan.

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