HomeBusinessEconomyPakistan may turn to China for bailout?

Pakistan may turn to China for bailout?

If IMF continues declining the revival of the bail out Fund program. Pakistan will have no choice but to ask China to come up with a plan to rescue the faltering economy of Islamabad and prevent a full-blown outbreak of the Balance of Payment (BoP) crisis.

If the IMF keeps reviving the Fund program at a lowering rate, Pakistan will have no choice but to ask China to come up with a plan to rescue the faltering economy of Islamabad and prevent a full-blown balance of payments catastrophe.

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“Amid deepening political and economic crisis in the country, the IMF has adopted the policy of wait and see but this policy cannot be pursued for longer period. Either the IMF will have to be revived through completion of 9th review or the programme will be scrapped. We will share no more data with the IMF without completion of ninth review” said an IMF source.



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