Welcome at Pak-Spectrum

Pakspectrum.com welcomes you!

We feel pleased to enlighten you about us here.

Pakspectrum.com was founded in 2014 primarily to highlight positive news and events happening in Pakistan in particular and the world in general. We aim to create awareness of this great land’s exuberant culture, economic growth, vitality, and strengths. Pakistani natives, current residents, and those interested in Pakistan affairs will surely enjoy our portal.

Moreover, Pakspectrum.com hopes to encourage, motivate, and inspire the Pakistanis. We hope you enjoy what you see and read, give us feedback on what you’d like to see, and share this site with others.

While you get to know about us, we would like to briefly enlighten you about Pakistan, officially as the “Islamic Republic of Pakistan”. It is a country in South Asia and is declared to be the fifth-most populous in the world. The population count mounts to almost 227 million and has the world’s second-largest Muslim population. With an area spanning over 881,913 square kilometers, Pakistan is said to be the 33rd-largest country by land.

If you have any queries concerning us, please feel free to reach us.

Thank you for your visit to the portal.


Pak Spectrum. An Insight to Pakistan


Pak-Spectrum is a news, media, and informative blog. It has been incubated to enlighten its readers with authentic information. At Pak-spectrum, the objective is to not become part of the “breaking news blog”. Instead, our focus is to bring forth quality news articles. Being based in the USA does not limit us by any means to be less informed of the events within Pakistan and the World. Quality and authenticity of the information matter the most at Pak-spectrum.


Pak-Spectrum aims to become a trustworthy destination for its audience. We research, analyze, evaluate and publish the news & blogs about various aspects of society. Our regional emphasis revolves around Pakistan covering from an incident taking place on a road to what is happening in Politics and the top command. The attempt is to scale from the remotest village to the top of the mountains. Pakistan is a versatile country in terms of talent, the rich culture, and fabulous norms it brings with respect to humanity and society. While Pakistan at large, the focus around the world does not get overlooked in terms of attention. All eyes on the events about sports, science, technology, international politics, pandemics, world economy, conflicts, wars, welfare, malnutrition, and energy. Keep an eye on us 🙂

Pakistan, a Land of Greens
How we do digital writing


At Pak-Spectrum a credible foundation for genuine digital content has been laid. Many reliable and trustworthy sources have been lined up to contribute with the best of their efforts.